Join the Archives Team and help preserve YORK’s history!
YORK’s history began almost 100 years ago and lucky for us YORK has held on to that history. The Archives Team began preserving the artifacts at YORK about 5 years ago in hopes we would be able to display them in a permanent museum. Cdr Robert Johnston came up with the “YORK ROOM” concept in 2015 and tasked CPO2 Birtch to make it happen for the unveiling ceremony in April 2016. On April 16th, 2016 Commodore Mulkins travelled to HMCS YORK for our Awards Night and the ribbon cutting on YORK’s new Museum the YORK ROOM.
The team works tirelessly on projects for the museum in order to preserve our naval history. In recent months, the team restored YORK’s Battle Honour Drums and will be displaying the entire collection in the next few months. YORK’s Leopard Skins worn by our drum corp are currently being restored. The corp no longer wears the original skins as replicas were created for parades. The leopard skins are over 80 years old and have been be sent to the Canadian Restoration Institute to be preserved and placed on permanent display outside the Wardroom on our Anniversary April 2023.
Our displays have travelled outside the unit, appearing at many events in Toronto and the GTA. Events such as the RCMI Concert at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto Garrison Ball and the WRENs Annual Reunion are among our travelling displays. Plans are underway to create H.M.C.S. YORK’s 100th Anniversary Celebrations displays for all the planned events. If you would like to join the Archives Team please contact CPO2 Birtch at
See below for some of our travelling displays, restoration of artifacts and pictures of our YORK MUSEUM!